A devastating incident occurred when a pregnant woman lost her life because her husband refused to consider a section during her labor.
The story was shared on Twitter revealing that the woman was informed that delivering the baby naturally would not be safe for her.
The woman had a existing heart condition that posed significant risks during labor. Despite advice she was informed that her fragile heart wouldn’t be able to handle the stress of childbirth.
Dr. Wilberforce explained, “Considering her heart condition we suggested a C section. Her weakened heart wouldn’t be able to handle the strain of labor.
The woman responded by saying, “I need to discuss this with my husband “. Then left.Tragically the woman didn’t return until she went into labor. It was already too late.
Unfortunately the baby’s heart had stopped beating for days resulting in demise. Dr. Wilberforce recounted “This time it happened during labor but unfortunately the baby had already passed away [IUFD].
When questioned about it the husband claimed he had made an agreement, with God for his wife to have a delivery.