Tech companies are one of the world’s backbones. These men and women-owned tech companies make all the inventions and discoveries that enable us to have easier and more comfortable lives.

Today, there are hundreds of thousands of tech companies globally. while men established and own many of these companies, women-owned tech companies also exist.
Sometimes, two or more individuals establish tech companies. Also, some Large organizations have female chief executive officers running their subsets.
Women-owned tech companies are numerous, however, we have selected a few notable ones from the large population and listed some of them below:
- BUMBLE (dating site) – Whitney Wolfe Herd
- Trans Tech Social Enterprises – Angelica Ross
- CANVA (design app)- Melanie Perkins
- EVENTBRITE – Julia Hartz
- YCOMBINATOR (job recruitment website) – Jessica Livingstone
- BLENDOOR – Alicia Chong Rodriguez, Aceil Halaby, and Monica Abarca
- BIOBOT ANALYTICS – Cofounders: Mariana Matus and Newsha Ghaeli
- ASTRAL AR (drone tech)- Cofounder: Leah La Salla
- 4D HEALTHWARE – Star Cunningham.
The ten companies listed above are either established and owned by women or have female co-founders.
Just like you, we love to see women in the tech industries, and most importantly as leaders or owners, it erases the old beliefs that only men can lead. It also empowers young girls to fight for their dreams.
Technology has become the most essential aspect of our lives, it has dominated fields like medicine, finance, security, transportation et ce tra.
The list goes on, as a matter of fact, there is no area of our lives we are not currently improving with the use of Technology, even the food we eat.
Seen women joining forces to improve our world is something we hope everyone appreciates.
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